Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, an undocumented migrant from Guatemala, faces serious charges after being accused of setting a woman on fire inside a New York City subway train on December 22, 2024. Initially, during police questioning, Zapeta-Calil repeatedly told detectives he had no memory of the attack, which tragically resulted in the death of 57-year-old Debrina Kawam. However, when investigators played surveillance footage of the incident, Zapeta-Calil suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, damn, that’s me.”
Following the shocking revelation, Zapeta-Calil expressed deep remorse, claiming he didn’t intend to harm the woman but had no recollection of the event. Police reports indicate he calmly approached Kawam while she was sleeping, using a lighter to ignite her clothes and blanket, causing severe thermal injuries that led to her death by homicide.
The attack has sparked widespread fear and outrage in New York City, a city that has seen a rise in violent incidents in its subway system over recent years. Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez emphasized the seriousness of the crime, vowing to ensure justice is served. Zapeta-Calil, who has a history of substance abuse and homelessness, has pleaded not guilty to murder charges and is currently being held without bail.
Surveillance footage played a crucial role in tracking down Zapeta-Calil after hours of searching, leading to his arrest on a subway train in Midtown Manhattan. The incident has brought renewed focus on subway safety in New York City.