A Wisconsin bus driver is being hailed as a hero after she saved a student from choking during a routine after-school bus route. The incident occurred on January 10th, when a student began to choke on an object while seated in the middle of the bus. The girl’s brother quickly noticed the danger and alerted the bus driver, Jamie Smoczyk.
Smoczyk, acting swiftly, pulled the bus over to the side of the road to ensure the safety of the students. She immediately approached the choking girl and asked if she was choking. After determining that the object would not clear on its own, Smoczyk performed the Heimlich maneuver, successfully dislodging the blockage from the girl’s throat.
Once the student was breathing again, Smoczyk comforted her, allowing the girl to sit on her lap to calm down. The girl’s brother helped reassure her, and the other students on the bus remained calm and patient throughout the entire ordeal. School officials later commended the behavior of all involved, noting the collective support for the student.
Following the event, Smoczyk reported the incident and even spoke with the girl’s mother when she arrived at the bus stop. The Adams-Friendship Area School District praised Smoczyk’s quick thinking and training, which, along with the help from the students, helped prevent a potentially tragic situation.
The district emphasized that the support provided to the students, from bus drivers to teachers and assistants, is a reflection of the strong community spirit in Adams-Friendship. School officials expressed pride in the way Smoczyk handled the emergency, showcasing both her professionalism and care.