In a heartbreaking and shocking turn of events, a Chilhowie man has been arrested following the death of his brother from a fentanyl overdose in Washington County. The tragic incident occurred on August 18, 2024, when 50-year-old Richard Jason Maggard succumbed to the powerful drug.
Following a five-month investigation, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office determined that Richard Maggard’s overdose was directly linked to the actions of his brother, Joshua Kenton Maggard. Authorities believe Joshua, 46, was responsible for distributing the fentanyl that led to Richard’s untimely death.
Joshua Kenton Maggard has now been charged with felony homicide and distributing a controlled substance (Schedule II – fentanyl). He turned himself in at the Southwest Virginia Regional Jail in Abingdon and is currently being held without bond.
This tragic case has sent shockwaves through the community, drawing attention to the devastating impact of the opioid crisis in rural areas. Law enforcement, along with the Washington County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office and the Western District Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Roanoke, continue to work on bringing justice to Richard’s family.
Fentanyl overdoses have become a major concern nationwide, and this incident highlights the urgent need for greater awareness and stricter enforcement against the illegal distribution of such potent drugs.
As investigations proceed, residents are reminded of the dangers of fentanyl and the importance of seeking help if they or someone they know is struggling with substance abuse. The community is coming together to support the Maggard family during this difficult time.
This shocking and tragic story serves as a grim reminder of the opioid epidemic affecting countless families across the country.