A devastating fire broke out early Sunday morning at a mobile home in Beaufort, SC, leaving the structure completely destroyed. However, thanks to quick thinking and bravery, three people were able to escape unharmed. Two adult men from the Burton area and a child managed to flee the fire, which completely engulfed the home.
According to officials from the Burton Fire District, the residents narrowly avoided tragedy. “They escaped through the windows as the fire raged, and there were no working smoke alarms in the home,” said Daniel Byrne, Assistant Fire Chief at the Burton Fire District. One of the residents was still inside when the fire broke out, and it was only through the efforts of others who banged on the window that he was awakened and able to get to safety.
The fire began early Sunday at a mobile home park located on Alexandra Loop, and video footage from the Burton Fire District provided a dramatic look at the intense flames as crews worked to contain the blaze. The response from the fire department was swift, and fire crews faced difficult conditions as they fought the flames in the pre-dawn hours.
Unfortunately, the mobile home was completely destroyed, reduced to rubble by the fire. Officials have yet to confirm the exact cause of the fire, but the event serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of living in a home without working smoke detectors.
Authorities are continuing their investigation into the cause of the fire, and the local community has rallied to support the displaced residents. Despite the tragedy, the successful escape of the three individuals highlights the importance of fire safety measures, including the need for functioning smoke alarms, which could have played a key role in preventing this near-miss tragedy.